From What Point Can I Tell That This Is a Sheepskin Glove

Author:janefangloves 2020-12-14 15:58:34 280 0 0

Genuine leather is leather, mainly processed from mammalian skins. How to identify the authenticity of sheepskin? The following Sheepskin Gloves Supplier will show you the detailed identification method! Teach you the detailed identification method, no longer need to spend money!

First, feel:

That is, touch the leather surface with your hand, and it will feel smooth, soft, full, and elastic. It is genuine leather; the surface of general synthetic leather is a bit harsh, hard, and poor in softness. Use your fingers to knock on the edge of the upper near the sole. If it is cowhide, there will be fine wrinkles. When you let go of your finger, wrinkles will disappear naturally. This phenomenon does not occur in artificial leather.

Second, see:

The pores and patterns of the leather and leather are clear. The pores of the yellow leather are relatively uniform and there are many pores. The pores of the yak leather are large and sparse, and the pores of the goat skin are fish-scale. Mostly refers to artificial leather and synthetic leather, characterized by no pores. No matter how many times synthetic leathers such as "Imitation Sheepskin" are imitated, the traces of molding can be seen.

Sheep Skin

Sheep Skin

Third, the smell:

All genuine leather has the smell of leather; artificial leather has a strong plastic smell, and there is no burnt smell when burned. Ignite: Tear a little fiber from the back. When it is ignited, it emits a smell. The leather is neither hard nor hard.

Fourth, ignite:

Tear a little fiber from the back of the real leather and artificial leather. When it is ignited, anyone with a pungent smell will form artificial leather; anyone with a hair smell will not have hard leather.

Fifth, appearance

Sheep Skin is characterized by granular holes, oblate, deep into the leather; stomata are clear, with several arranged in groups, scaly or jagged. Pattern features such as "water ripples". Sheep skin is light, thin and soft. It is an ideal fabric for leather garments. Sheepskin hats are beautiful, soft, natural, light, soft and elastic.

(1) Sheep skin:

Cortical fat content is more, skin fibrous tissue is loose, very soft, the surface of the particles is fine and smooth, and the ductility is large, but not strong.

(2) Goatskin:

The cortex has less fat content, the fibrous tissue is fuller than sheepskin, the pores are clear, the cortex is elastic and durable.

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