The Ultimate Gel Manicure Guide

Author:ronikigel 2022-04-08 16:09:59 166 0 0



Who doesn't want a manicure that lasts, stays shiny and dries in seconds? We surveyed the most common questions asked by nail enthusiasts and got expert answers.


What exactly is a gel manicure?

A gel polish consists of acrylic monomers and oligomers that bind together when placed under UV light. This process is called curing, and within seconds, the once-liquid gel becomes a hard, chemical-resistant coating. You can also use an LED light, but this takes two minutes to cure, whereas a UV light takes only 5 to 45 seconds.


Can gel polish dry without UV light?

No. Gel polish is completely different from regular nail polish and requires a UV or LED light to form a hard layer.


How long do gel nails last?

On average, gel nails last two to three weeks.


What is the average cost of a gel manicure?

Between $25 and $45.



How do I make my gel nails last longer?

Making your gel manicure last is as easy as leaving your nails under a light for a little longer. If you have the time and your manicurist is happy with it, put your hands back in the light for an extra round and your manicure will last longer.


How do I remove gel nail polish?

Due to its chemical resistance, gel polish cannot be easily wiped off with acetone and must be filed and/or soaked in acetone for a few minutes to loosen the hardened gel from the nail. This is a process, but it is very important to remove gel nail polish the right way instead of just removing it.


Will gel polish hurt my nails?

The good news is that gel polish itself will not harm your nails. However, picking a gel polish can hurt your nails. If you pick up the polish and peel it off, you will inevitably strip away a part of your natural nail, making it thinner and weaker.



Can I add a gel top coat to my regular nail polish and get the same results as an all-gel manicure?

No, according to nail technicians, this is not scientifically sound. Here's why: Regular nail polish does not dry completely in 24 hours (it may look that way, but deep inside, the solvents in regular polish are still drying). So if you ask for clear gel polish over regular polish, all you have to do is capture the wet polish, which can lead to a mess.


Looking for a manicure that will last through the holidays, busy work weeks and days filled with do-it-yourself projects? It's time to consider a gel manicure. Rainbow nails are everywhere.

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