Why Simple Wooden Toys Are the Best for Your Child?

Author:sdallwin 2022-11-18 17:24:54 118 0 0

Low Cost, High Quality

Solid wooden toys allow you to remain eco-friendly even when you’re on a budget. There are plenty of quality wooden toys on the market that won’t leave a hole in your wallet, and are actually more complex than you may think. In 2015, the annual TIMPANI toy study found that a simple wooden cash register scored well in the creativity category, and was loved equally among boys and girls across socioeconomic backgrounds.

Play-Food for Thought

When children are playing with toys, they aren’t just keeping busy; they’re doing some serious learning, too. Research points to unstructured playtime — open-ended, simple wooden toys, for example — as both valuable and favored over classroom time. Children’s imaginations soar as they play with things that don’t have an obvious, single use. Imagine a toddler playing with wooden blocks: they can be stacked into the shape of a house, building, zoo, or anything else he or she can dream up.

Flashy Can Drain the Brain

Often it’s the popular toys, or the ones that look most stimulating to kids and adults, that aren’t a good addition to the toy box. These types of toys are the flashy, plastic items packed with an electronic element that offers little in the way of creative play, and may even interfere with development despite a manufacturer’s claims. Ultimately, basic is better. A toy doesn’t need all the bells and whistles. Besides, over-stimulation can lead to negative neural impact, making it more difficult for the brain to think critically.

Plastic: The Good, the Bad, and the Terrible

Even if you’re not buying flashy gadgets for your child, there are still plenty of reasons to avoid plastic. Developmental issues aside, many plastic toys can be harmful — and not only to the environment.

Why It’s Good

Choosing between wooden or plastic toys shouldn’t be an all-or-nothing approach. As with anything, it’s always a good rule to exercise moderation. There’s room for some plastic; not all of these toys stifle your child’s imagination. But items that are made from quality wood or natural materials are both healthier and allow children to think more creatively during playtime.

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