The Basic Information Of Railway Fastening System

Author:fastening 2020-06-05 14:23:57 275 0 0

Railway Fastening System is part of the railway line. include Dog Spike Fastening, Heavy Haul Fastening, Tram Fastening, High Speed Fastening, etc. As a holistic engineering structure, the track is laid on the roadbed and plays a guiding role in train operation, directly bearing the tremendous pressure of the rolling stock and its load. Under the power of train operation, its various components must have sufficient strength and stability to ensure that the train runs safely, smoothly and without interruption according to the specified maximum speed.

In the context of the development of the railway, the railway accessories industry has also maintained a relatively high level of development, and localization of equipment is one of the trends of railway accessories. Railway Fastening have the characteristics of high strength, good toughness and excellent fatigue resistance and wear resistance.

Railway Fastening System

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